References for R. Sales Music
“Sales’ music is three dimensional – the mind-bending lyrics take me into the fourth dimension.”
Linda Johnsen, Author, Eckhardt Tolle Editions
“Raw genius. This is the best response we’ve had from anything we’ve done”
Art Silverman, Creative Director, “All Things Considered” NPR
“I’ll do anything for a copy of that song”
Robert Morton, Exec Producer of The David Letterman Show
“The man can really play!” Chuck Berry
“Wow! What a voice” Jerry Garcia, The Grateful Dead
“Original in every sense of the word”
Cashbox Magazine, 1970 (Review of the band Sky Cobb)
“Words fueled with wisdom”
Frank Weipert, Teamworks Management, Canada, 2018
“The bard of music. Organic, honest and downright good”
Bob Hewitt, Guitar and Bass Magazine, Fender Films, 2020
“It’s more than music” (The Soul Is Greater Than The Hum Of Its Parts)
Garret Brennan, Three Pin Strategies, 2002
“I love this music!” (Custom Songs for Storied Learning)
Michael Dell, Dell Computers, 2002
“Sales is the most understated, brilliant producer that I’ve ever had the honor of knowing. “Chasing Tumbleweed” is just f…ing STUNNING!
Gene Rosenthal, Adelphi Records